Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5-19-15 Cape Girardeau to Greenwood

Same song--fifth verse!  Ashlynn awakened this morning with 104-fever!

Darin had to be at work at 7 a.m..  Sarah was not feeling well--still.

Glen took Zade to school.  I stayed with Ashlynn and Sarah.  Sarah's mother was coming from Poplar Bluff MO.  

Sarah talked to Ashlynn's doctor and was told to "bring her in" at 9:15 this morning.  Sarah's mother arrived just in time to drive them.  Ashlynn had some lab work involving blood and urine tests.  No results yet! I am ready for her to be feeling better.

We returned to the motor home, prepared for departure!

Tanner had a soccer game at 5:45 in Ft. Smith.  We stopped at the park, and went to the soccer game before going on to Greenwood.  Tanner has made great strides in his skill levels.  

We all met at "La Fiesta" in Greenwood for dinner.  We then came on the parking site, and set up "camp"! We are ready for the next two to three weeks!  

There may be storms/rain tonight.  It truly has been a rainy spring!

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