Sunday, May 24, 2015

5/24/15 Our Daughter is One in a Thousand (which we knew)

Today would have been/is the 69th wedding anniversary for my parents.

Last Thursday evening Trisha was struck with a pain in her lower left abdomen.  She wasn't able to eat dinner.  About ten Jeff called to say they were going to the emergency room.

They first went to Mercy Hospital in Ft. Smith where they learned there was a five-hour wait.  (Note: the next day they learned that a hospital in Tallequah OK was flooded and patients had been brought to Ft. Smith.)  Back to Trisha...

Jeff went to Booneville about 30 miles east of here and walked into the ER.  They spent the night there with a CT scan being done.  The iniital report was a "mass on her ovary."

Jeff called about 6:30 Friday morning to say Trisha was being brought by ambulance back to Ft. Smith.  We met them at the hospital.  

Trisha was in extreme pain: about ten on the pain level.  An ultra-scan was done which showed a "twisted ovary" .  She spent the morning in the ER, until surgery started.  Surgery was scheduled for "later in the day." but began at 2 p.m., lasted little more than hour.  She spent two hours in recovery and was sent home.  

The surgery was done laprascopically,  There was no cancer.  The ovary was "torqued" (twisted) which usually happens in women who are pregnant or under the age of 30.    

She is very sore today, but NO pain.  Thankfully there is no school tomorrow due to holiday.  

Chapters two and three:

Ashlynn has been running a temp every evening and morning.  Finally the fever went away Friday afternoon and hasn't returned.  It must have been some potent virus that had ahold of her.

Sarah also has been having abodmen pain.  She had a colonscopy Friday to rule out various colon issues.  It was confirmed that she, too, is having ovary issues.  She is to see her doctor Tuesday.  
She is now feeling better, but ready to have a proper diagnosis and necessary follow-up.

It has been a stressful few days.  We thank the Lord for answered prayers and the blessings of healing.

It rained 5.75 inches of rain today.  The creeks are out in the "bottoms"; the ditches are full; lake levels are rising.  The long-range forecast is "more" rain all week.!

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