Tuesday, May 26, 2015

5/26/15 Accomplishments

There was a lot accomplished today!

Dentist!  check
Have I mentioned that Trisha has had a toothache on top of everything else?  She had been to the dentist to find the reason for the ache, but he wasn't able to determine which tooth ached.  These past few days she definitely identified the tooth with the ache.  Glen and I drove her to the dentist this morning.  

The dentist completed the first steps of a root canal.  Because there was infection she is taking an antibiotic for a week, then will go back for the completion of the root canal.

Boxes. check
Trisha needs to have her classroom boxed up for the summer by the end of school Friday noon.  Glen collected several this morning.  We will help her do the boxing.

Lawn. check
The lawn at Trisha's was growing by leaps and bounds between each rain shower.  Brady and Tanner tackled that project.  Tanner was on the riding mower.  Brady was in charge of the weed-eater.  I was the boss!  

Haircut. check
Brady was in need of a haircut!  Trisha described him as sporting the "homeless" look! ha!  He is once again a clean-cut, trimmed handsome young man!

What did I say? a busy day!

Trisha is going back to school tomorrow.  Students with an "A" average do not have to "take" finals.  Brady and Tanner and Natalie are in that category so are finished with this school year.  Yes--we are very proud of them.  

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