Saturday, May 30, 2015

5-30-15 Ready! Aim! Fire!

We left Greenwood in the motor home Friday afternoon to go to Jacksonville, AR in preparation for the Regional Trap Competition on (today) Saturday, May 30.  

Brady and Tanner were on separate teams; both shot their two rounds today.  Both had great days.

Here's some pictures from the week end.

Brady and Tanner.

 I like this picture of Brady.  He is so serious and deep in concentration.

 At work!  42 out of 50, total of two rounds.  High point on his team.

 Brady on the right!  The team did not qualify for state level competition.

 Tanner: #903; last minute instructions.

 Tanner: 42 out of 50--personal best, high point on team; and tied his brother!

 Tanner: second from left: the team did not qualify for state level competition.

Brady and Tanner: a great day!  

There was water standing everywhere at the fields.  But, didn't rain during the shooting.  

We are back in Greenwood!

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