Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 10, 2015 Emotional Week end

We arrived at the most lovely parking site on the farm owned by my sister Jan and husband Bruce.  They, along with their son Mitchell, have mowed, hauled in gravel, cut low hanging limbs, burned brushpiles, and made this a great place to park.

Internet is not particularly strong so will add pictures when we return to Cape Girardeau.

Friday night was the "visitation" for my cousin, Shannon.  A long line formed at 4.30, 30 minutes before published opening.  The long line continued until nearly nine o'clock.  

Shannon's parents, and three siblings were the receiving line.
The youngest sister, Kelly, had delivered a new baby Monday night.  Kelly stayed there the entire evening.  There were numerous extended family to share support and love.  I would estimate well over one thousand people were there.

The memorial service was Saturday morning.  The church was filled.  I only mention this because after the music and words from the pastor, Shannon's three siblings each spoke a tribute.  It was so Emotional and filled with love.  

Darin, and Trisha and Jeff were able to be here both Friday night and Saturday.  We appreciate their effort to be with family.

Jeff piloted an airplane for Trisha and him.  They hoped to leave this morning but Mother Nature flexed her muscles.  A wide storm front moved from west to east, Oklahoma to Arkansas and Missouri.  They finally got off the ground about 4:30 this afternoon--and arrived safely.

We look forward to watching Jan and Bruce with the assistance of their son Mitchell and a vet "work" their cattle in the morning.  I hope to have pictures.  The new calves will be ear tagged, given vaccinations, etc.  

We will return to Cape Girardeau Tuesday.

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