Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 7, 2015 Baseball

Most weeks there are two baseball games for Zade (plus team).  This was no exception. 

Zade had a great game.  He had a hit at every at-bat, plus a catch of a fly ball, and good throws from the outfield.

The skill level and baseball knowledge differs so much between each player.  It is easy to see which player has had someone/family member play with them.  There is one player who has never played "ball" at all before practice/games started.  Then there are the players who live and breathe baseball, who has all the head knowledge, and wants to play every day.

We are headed to Iberia in the morning.  We will be parked at the site provided on my sister/husband's farm.  

Visitation for my cousin is tomorrow evening with memorial service on Saturday morning.

We will stay until Tuesday morning when we will return to Cape Girardeau.  Glen and I each have dental appointments on Wednesday.

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