Saturday, May 2, 2015

May 2, 2015 April--come and gone!

This past week, this past month has just sped by!

Thursday was our daughter's birthday.  We talked to her on the phone.

This past week was filled with doctors' appointments.  We have been checked over from tippy-top to our toes.  All has gone well with no unexpected happenings.

Friday morning we learned from a phone call with my sister that our first cousin, Kerry and wife Lolly's daughter Shannon was involved in a one vehicle accident Thursday night.  She was in critical condition, then in a coma and non-responsive, and passed away this afternoon.  Shannon is our son Darin's age with three boys.  

Our hearts go out to all of the family.  Shannon had one brother, two sisters, her parents, plus innumerable nieces and nephews, cousins.  

Needless to say, this has consumed our hearts and minds these past few days.

Ashlynn and Zade spent last night here.  They are grown up enough to be self-sufficient.  They go to bed easily, eat anything, play well with each other, and are fun to be with.

They stayed with us today until 3:30.  

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