Sunday, April 26, 2015

APRIL 26, 2015 Decision Made

The decision on Saturday was to NOT go to any of the games.  The weather didn't cooperate.  

The decision today, Sunday, was to go to the final game of the tournament.  Zade plus the All-Star Soccer Team won second in their age division at the Farmington MO soccer tournament.

Mind you, the weather this morning was miserable.  I wore four layers of shirt/jacket/vest/and coat, plus gloves and used a lap-robe.  It was in the upper forties, with a mist in the air.  Just as the game ended, the sun popped out!

Here's Zade with the team medal!
The next all-star soccer tournament will be Mother's Day week end.
But, wait, baseball will start before then!

We had a good rest this afternoon; then spent the evening with Darin/Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade.  Darin grilled "surf and turn" for supper/dinner.  It was delicious!

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