Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18, 2015 Mountaindale RV Park , Colorado Springs, CO

We arrived at Mountaindale RV yesterday afternoon.  It is located in the foothills just south of Colorado Springs.  

Jeff and Marcella, Gary and Evelyn, Myrna and Dick, and us are in adjacent camp sites.  Doug and Mildred are in a cabin here in the RV park.

We were all sitting under the cedars, pines, and junipers when the dark clouds decided to park over us.  We barely made it inside before the lightning, thunder, hail and rain started.  It wasn't long before there were lakes in the sites.

That was the end of the outdoor visiting.

Today the group drove to Garden of the Gods.  There are hikers and non-hikers mixed together.
After driving through the Garden, touring the visitor center, and more driving Glen, Dick, and I came back to the RV Park.

This is a lovely park with wi-fi throughout.  However we cannot get it connected at the RV site.  We are sitting at the office where there is strong Verizon power.

Here are a few pictures of todays tour of Garden of the Gods:

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Jeff and Marcella, Gary and Evelyn, Doug and Mildred, Gayla and Glen, Myrna and Dick.  
All of the ladies are Glen's sisters.  

I am not sure what the plans are for tomorrow.  Tonight there is a family meal.  Tom L., a cousin from Minnesota, is working in Colorado Springs.  He is coming down here tonight after work for a visit.

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