Monday, June 15, 2015

June 15, 2015 Go West, Young Man, Go West (All Season RV Park, Wichita KS)

Let's see.  It was last Thursday we we left Cape Girardeau MO. 
We arrived at Iberia, MO, and parked at the made-to-order, landscaped site just down the road at my sister/husband's farm.

We were busy the few days we were there.  It is a rural area, down the gravel road a mile.  There is phone service, but NO internet service.  There are cell towers in the area but obviously there are no Verizon towers/antennas.

We were welcomed by Jan and Bruce.  Bruce and son Mitch had been in the hay field.  They baled 47 large round bales. That evening we watched Addison and Cash, great-niece and nephew, play ball.  Addison hit an in-the-park home run.

The next day (Friday) Glen and I went to Osage Beach area.  I enjoyed a massage.  Glen made a WalMart run while I was being massage.  That afternoon Glen helped Bruce haul the hay bales out of the field.  Bruce loaded onto the hay trailer that Glen was pulling with the pick up.

Later that evening we went to a neighboring town, to watch Addison and Cash, play ball.  That age is so much fun to watch.   

Saturday Addison played Game 1 of a tournament at Iberia.  Her team won so would play at 6 p.m. for first place.  We were unable to watch that game.

Instead, Jan and Bruce, Glen and I went to Jefferson City to a celebration of cousin Gwen/Eric's 40th wedding anniversary.  We were able to visit with other family.

Sunday was like many other Sundays: church, lunch, nap.  That evening we visited at Jan and Bruce's.  Addison and Cash and their parents, Mitchell (Jan/Bruce's son) and Abby came by.  More visiting.

We left the farm at Iberia, and traveled to Nevada MO.  There we met Gary/Evelyn, and Marcella and Jeff.  

It's another family caravan!  This time we are headed west to the Colorado Springs area where we will meet with Myrna, another sister and friend Dick;, and Mildred, another sister, and Doug/hubby/ for a week.  

We will amble our way west to Colorado tomorrow evening stopping overnight, and arrive at the RV park (Mountaindale) Wednesday.

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