Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21, 2015 Confession Time

Saturday afternoon

Myrna with ukelele plus Evelyn with guitar equals beautiful music.  Over the past year Myrna has learned to play ukelele.  This was the first time that Myrna and Evelyn have gotten to play together.  It was great hearing the blend of the two instruments.

 Glen on left; Evelyn and Myrna
 Evelyn and Myrna


The family group had reservations for the 2:40 cog train ride from Maniteau Springs to the top of Pikes Peak.  

It is normally 1 and 1/2 hour-ride to the top; but at one pullover stop for a southbound train there was a 20-25 minute delay.  Total trip was about 3 and 1/2 hours.

The views from the top of Pikes Peak (14110 feet) were hazy this afternoon.  Colorado Springs was visible; there there also mountains 100 miles away.

Now for the confession!
I had a ticket, but didn't go.  We all got on the train 20 minutes before departure.  It was 95 degrees--too hot for me.  The heat made me feel closed in, and I got off the train.  Thankfully my ticket price was refunded.  I waited in the depot and in the truck--with the air conditioning!  

I am not sure temperatures in the 90's are normal.  Many of the businesses do not have air conditioning.  The restaurant where we ate after the train ride was not air conditioned. But....

It cools down quite nicely after the sun sets.

 View from the cog railroad.
 Reservoir is used by the city of Colorado Springs. 

 The rocks that make up Pikes Peak are a special type of granite that is found in only two locations: Pikes Peak and Elephant Rocks State Park in Missouri.

An early building used to house railroad workers.

 Above the tree line.  The railroad track is visible is the middle of the picture.

 Pikes Peak: elevation 14110 feet.  Colorado Springs in the valley (elevation 6700')

View from the top: Colorado Springs.  Through the haze are mountains 100 miles away.

More adventures planned for Monday.

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