Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 22, 2015 Scenic Drive and Royal Gorge Bridge

I tried posting this last night after our adventure but had internet issues.

We enjoyed a long scenic drive through the country to the towns of Cripple Creek and Victor.  Cripple Creek at one time had a poplulation fo 40,000 during the "panning for gold" days.  It is tring to rivive itself with the introduction fo many casinos into the old buildings.

Just five more miles down the road is the old, original gold town of Victor.  We enjoyed lunch at a German bakery, walked through the Lowell Thomas museum.

Yes, that Lowell Thomas--newspaperman, author, war correspondent. H e was born in Victor, worked for the local newspaper and made his way into the world of international news reporting.

Also in the town of Victor was a man with the name of Jack Dempsey.  Yes, that Jack Dempsey.  As a young man he worked in the local gold mine.  He decided there was an easier way to make a living, and started training for boxing.  And, you know the rest of the story.  He became successful and famous as a boxer.

We drove through an area of abandoned mines, and mining equipment.

This Black Squirrel was in our site before we left on the drive.  We have seen several in the park.

Internet problems again.. More pictures later.  Sorry.

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