Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7, 2015 On the Move (Left Greenwood AR Sunday morning; Arrived Landing Point, Cape Girardeau MO)

Saturday we went with Tanner to the last soccer game of the season.  Several games had been cancelled because of rain so one more was added to the schedule.

The game ended up being considered a "scrimmage" as the opposing team didn't have enough players to make a team.  It was also at least in the mid-90's temperature wise.  There were water breaks during each half.  Tanner's team ended up winning 5-0.

We said our "good-bye's" Saturday evening.  We will see everyone next month.

We left Greenwood about 8:30 this morning and pulled into Cape Girardeau seven hours ten minutes later.  There was a 15-minute break for lunch.

Darin and Sarah have purchased a building for Sarah's audiology business.  They took possession last Thursday.  This afternoon their family was at the "new" office working on the needed remodeling.  The building was built in 1992. The decor is typical mid-1990's colors--pink counter tops, pink-ish carpet.  Nothing is in "bad" shape, just needs to be updated.  They have hopes to be IN the new location in a month, but we all know how schedules and remodeling goes.  

All of us working together got all of the wallpaper off the walls.  Thankfully the walls were prepped properly at the time of wallpaper installation.  The wallpaper literally pulled off the walls in full sheets.

Darin will be working part-time for the police department and full-time for Audiology Associates of Missouri.  This change in employment started on June 1.  

We will be in Cape Girardeau until Thursday when we will go to my sister/hubby's farm in central Missouri.

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