Monday, June 8, 2015

June 8, 2015 Tree Trimming and Baseball

Glen recovered from the overheating episode just fine.  He is going to be more careful!

Glen went to the "new" office today with a saw to trim trees.  He cut limbs and made three three look much better.

We actually went grocery shopping today, also.  There's food in the cupboards!

Zade had a baseball game tonight.  It is fun to watch him play.  He had a hit each time he was at bat, and caught several balls while in the field.  Even after two months' of games. there are still players that don't have a clue on the dynamics of the game, can't throw the ball, or catch the ball.  Of course, Zade can do all of that! lol

We visited with Marcella and Jeff, who are just four sites from us, this evening.  We are making plans for a week from today, when we will be traveling west to Colorado.

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