Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5, 2015 Monday: Home Alone

Glen has enjoyed "working" for Dave harvesting soybeans.  Here
are pictures from last Friday.

 Combine unloading into the 18-wheeler.
Combine unloading into grain buggy.

I went with Glen.  I rode in both the combine and the tractor.

Rain started in early afternoon, making it an early quitting time.

We spent the afternoon with Laurie and Dave.  Friday evening we met David (Dave's oldest son) and Jennifer for dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  BTW: the food was delicious.

Sunday morning Glen left from the South Bend Airport, flying to Reno via Chicago and Denver.  It is time for the annual Dak To Reunion.  Glen will return Wednesday afternoon.

I am reading and watching tv.  The day goes by quickly.  But, I do miss Glen and look forward to him returning.  I am happy that he has gone.  He looks forward to this gathering each year.

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