Thursday, October 8, 2015

October 7/8, 2015 (Wed/Thur) Happy Dance

Glen is home, safe and sound, and dragging his tail! very tired!
He didn't take the C-PAP with him, didn't want to have to carry it.  He didn't sleep well as a result plus all of the emotions that occur at the reunion result in one tired hubby.

Happy dance!  Glen is home.

At this time (nearly 1 p.m.) he has decided to rest rather than drive tractor/truck for Dave.

The reunion was well attended; 71 veterans registered.

 Glen (D Co), Christopher Upham, author and film director/producer (Hdqtrs Co), and Bob Lunsford (Hdqtr Co)
Delta Company: back row, L to R: Donald Butynski, ??, Danny Lantz, Glen Hickey; front row: Don Dixon, Dan Hedrick, Ron Bakalarski, Jimmy Garner  "The power of D Company"

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