Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1, 2015 Sunday Night

How can it be a new month? and Spring Forward  Fall Back time!

Someone asked me what we had been doing?  Just life--think that is a Tony Bennett song.

Glen took the pick up to a garage to have base plate (for towing) installed.  The one day job turned into a day and half!

I had the best massage ever this past week.

We met long time friends, Donna and Tom; and Sandy and Jim, at the Hickory Log Restaurant in Dexter, MO Thursday night.

When we returned from Dexter we picked up Ashlynn and Zade; they spent the night with us as there was no school on Friday.

Friday morning there was a one-time special opening of "Grammy's House of Pancakes".  At mid-day we went to their home so they could have more to play with.

Saturday Coach Darin and Zade had a flag football game.  Zade sat in the truck with us and watched from there.  He had been fighting a cough and runny nose for two-three days.

This afternoon my favorite sister Jan and husband Bruce arrived in Cape Girardeau.  We all, including Darin, Ashlynn and Zade, met at the Panera Restaurant for dinner and visiting.

Jan has an appointment with Dr. Sarah Hickey, Audiologist, tomorrow afternoon.  I am sure we will find something to fill the time before and after the appointment.

As I said:  "Just Life!"

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