Friday, November 6, 2015

November 1-6, 2015 First Week

Eek!  The days are going by so quickly!  The first week of November is almost gone.

When I last left you, Jan and Bruce were coming to Cape Girardeau on Sunday, Novermber 1.  They arrived safely.

Darin, Ashlynn and Zade joined us for dinner at Panera's Sunday night.  Sarah was under the weather--recovering from a "bug".

Monday the four of us drove to Patton MO, looking for a certain type of trailer for Bruce and Jan.  They are looking for a trailer to haul their motorcycle.  We didn't find what they were looking for.

On the return trip we took them to Bollinger Mill and Covered Bridge.  They had never been there.

By then, it was time for Jan to be seen by Dr. Sarah.  Sarah discovered some hearing loss; Jan is currently giving hearing aids a trial run.

Speaking has her older sister, I can say I thought the devices were helping, as soon as Tuesday morning when we had breakfast together!

During the week we picked up the kids from school a couple of afternoons.
Glen took the pick up back to the GMC dealer to have the tires checked.  There is a bounce at interstate speeds that shouldn't be there.

After a couple of hours at the tire shop and the tires being re-balanced, the bounce is still there.
We drove to Poplar Bluff today.  The bounce could still be felt. Glen made another appointment this next week for more investigation.

This last Sunday Sarah's grandmother, age 94, passed away.  We went to the celebration of life service this morning.  Her son, Sarah's uncle, conducted the service.  It was personal and loving and a lovely tribute.

Tonight we went to the "River City Players Follies", a local theater group.  Tonight was the last performance of the season.  Each player performed a skit, song, guitar, original music, of their choice.

A dinner buffet was served before the Follies.

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