Saturday, December 19, 2015

12-19-15 Slowly but Surely......

....things are getting done!

The past two days... Glen has replaced the kitchen door!
                 ...Glen moved the washer/dryer from the kitchen area to the bathroom.
                 ...Glen put a shelf over the washer/dryer
                 ...power-washed the table/chairs to take to Jim and Dee's for Christmas Eve afternoon.

Lest you think I just watched,
                  ...I prepared a sweet potato casserole for the Christmas pot luck lunch after church tomorrow.
                  ... raked several piles of mesquite beans and leaves to be hauled away in the wheelbarrow.
                  ...helped put away tools

Gee, Glen has done more than me! of course, he always does!

The shortest day of the year is almost here--hurray!

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