Sunday, December 20, 2015

12-20-15 Pot Luck Lunch

Following worship service today at First Baptist Church, Zapata, TX was the pot luck Christmas lunch.

There was a Mexican theme to the dishes.  Words can't describe how delicious everything was:  homemade tamales--10 dozen; homemade enchiladas, King Ranch chicken casserole, spaghetti with poblano pepper sauce; Spanish rice, salad, menudo soup (not my favorite; made with tripe), sweet potato casserole plus desserts.

Menudo soup is made with tripe.  Do you know what tripe is?  Are you ready--stomach lining.  Sorry, this is the one Mexican dish I cannot eat. I actually tasted it--OK, I put it in my mouth.  It didn't stay there long.  Use your imagination--slimy and foul tasting.  That is enough description!

I'm guessing there were about 70 in attendance; a very good crowd. There were only four winter Texans, the rest were home folks.

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