Thursday, December 3, 2015

12-3-15 Arrival in Zapata, TX (and) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEETIE

Travel day was uneventful--except for one thing.

We were one hour from Zapata, went over a railroad crossing that was very downhill on the "other" side.  There was a big bump that threw things in the air.  We had crossed the crossing; a driver came to the right side of the motor home and signalled by pointing to the rear.

Glen pulled over; went to rear of the truck and discovered that one of the bikes had bumped out of the bike carrier and was on the ground.  Thankfully we had only gone a few feet so there was no damage to the bike.

A deputy sheriff also stopped to tell us a bike was out of the carrier.  We are thankful for the helpful driver and sheriff.

Glen like to park the motor home with the fuel tank full.  We filled up with diesel and arrived at out place about 2:45.

I took pictures of the outside thermometer--72 degrees; and of Glen trimming the mesquite trees that were hanging over the concrete pad.  So far I have not figured out how to get pictures from my phone to the computer.

Note: I downloaded Windows 10 and there are definitely some things I have NOT figured out yet. Beware before you get Windows 10.  Of course I am not up to date on anything computer!

Glen has received many birthday wishes on FB, by texts, and phone.  He appreciates each and every thought and wish.  We celebrated by eating at "Angels", our favorite restaurant in town.

The outside kitchen was in fairly decent shape.  There had been no major rain leaks.  Everything is dusty.  Major cleaning tomorrow before anything gets moved there.

We set off a bug bomb in the kitchen to take care of any geckos, dirt daubers, spiders and other bugs!  The sticky strips that were left in there last spring were filled with all of the above critters.

We always say "there is no hurry to get this stuff done"; but of course we are always anxious to get things put away.

Tomorrow my first project is to power wash the concrete and kitchen floor!  Geckos are messy; it always looks like a bird has been roosting.  Then, wash all of the surfaces, etc.

I figured it out!  You can see how much the mesquite tree has grown over the concrete where the motor home is parked.

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  1. Readers: if you noticed there is "one comment" at the bottom of this blog, thank you.

    Some have wondered how to "comment": just click where it says "no comments". Leave your comments (here). Then click "anonymous", be sure to use your name in the comment so I will know who it is from.
    Click "I am not a robot". then click "Publish". It really isn't difficult!.

  2. The weather looks awesome.

    What's going on at the lot next door? Anyone still there?

