Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11, 2015 Grocery Shopping

Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard was Bare!

Our's also!
It was time for a trip to Walmart in Laredo.  There were also prescription refills to pick up.

The grocery list was an entire page.  It took two carts to push the groceries to the truck.

The worst:  putting it all away when we got home.

Gary and Evelyn rode with us.  Jan and Bruce followed.

After grocery shopping we went to downtown Laredo to the "Casa Ortiz", a residence built in 1829-30.  It was supposed to be open M-F, 8-5.  But it wasn't.  The front door was chained and locked.  So much for touring!

Supposedly the roofing contractor was to come by after three to give Glen a lumber list.  He didn't make it by, at least after we got home.

Jan and Bruce came to our place this evening.  They watched the first half of the college football national championship game.

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