Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12, 2015 Chef Boy R Dee

Chef Gary Boy R Dee was at work today.  Evelyn was the sous chef.

Lunch today was the-best-ever Rueben sandwich with fresh green beans (Jan), chips and salsa(homemade by Jan), and pickled beets.  Doesn't that sound yummy???

We lunched outdoors in the sunshine!  The thermometer was hanging on the west wall in the sun and showed 110 degrees!  In the shade it was 65 degrees.

We sat, enjoying the sun, visiting; oh, yes, an hour or so of music!

Tonight was the Jam Session! 12 were on stage.  "Our" trio--Glen, Evely, and Bruce--introduced two new songs for the performance: "City of New Orleans" and "Farmer Blues".

The roofing contractor came by this afternoon, verified that the roofing materials are correct.  He will call next Tuesday to let us know whether he and the crew will be there Wednesday or Thursday to do the work.

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