Sunday, February 14, 2016

February 14, 2016 We Won!

Friends/church members who own a restaurant and are closed on Sundays prepared a Valentine's Day lunch today for the church family.

The menu was smoked brisket, pinto beans (remember we are in south Texas) and potato salad with various desserts brought in by the membership.  The brisket was tender and smoky and delicious!

After the meal a discussion arose of who had been "married the longest?"  By the margin of one year we--Glen and Gayla-- won!  Our total--48 and half years! We even received a gift certificate from the restaurant owners!

There was time after the meal to go home, change into COOLER clothes to go to a Gospel Jam.  Glen and Marcella participated on stage.  Evelyn was missed, both her presence and her guitar!

Gary's mother's condition is "up and down".  Her vital signs aren't stable.  It is difficult days for the family.

You may remember, if you are a long time reader, that there were some complaining and whining last winter about the weather--mist, cold temperatures and wind.

This winter, however, is just the opposite.  There has been no rain since the first half of January, just a few windy days, and several days in a row of temperatures in the upper 70's to the mid 80's.

I realize this current report is the same day that there is ice and snow in southeast Missouri.  This is purely coincidentally.  This is not bragging or rubbing it in anyone's face!!!!

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