Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016 Early Morning

I read there was supposed to be a lunar eclipse this morning.  It was not to be a total eclipse, just a tiny sliver.

The moon was beautiful, but it must have been a eensy-weenie, tiny eclipse, because I can't see even a sliver.

This feller has been running around the neighborhood!

 Greater roadrunner!

He doesn't say "beep, beep!"

The recent rains have "greened up" the growing things, including the 'weeds/grass' in our yard.  Glen mowed Monday.  It does improve the looks of our surroundings.

Sunday night there was a combined music service between FBC and the mission Spanish speaking Nueva Vida church.  Each congregation presented some songs.  Glen selected some songs for a quartet from our church, then Glen sang "A Wonderful Time Up There!" as a solo.

After music Nueva Vida hosted a sandwich and chips meal.  Dessert was provided by FBC.

Enjoy the rest of the week.

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