Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 24, 2016 Wednesday and Thursday

A few things so you will know we are still here!

We drove to Rio Grande city, about 50 miles to the south, yesterday.  We enjoyed lunch at Casa Adobe, a great restaurant in a restored old brick building.

There was then a stop at WalMart for a few items.

On the way home in the midst of Roma, about ten miles north of Rio Grande City, we met at least 20 oncoming-- at a rapid rate of speed,sirens, lights flashing-- law enforcement vehicles.  There was a mix of Border Patrol, Highway Patrol, and unmarked cars.  I have searched several tv stations' websites looking for what may have been going on.  No luck.  Don't have a clue as to whether it was a huge drug bust, human trafficing, vehicle accident, or a shooting/death/murder type of situation.  Inquiring minds want to know!

Today, Glen,,,,are you ready for this,,,,,cleaned out, organized, vacuumed, threw away items, in all of the basement storage bins on the left side of the motor home.  It is impressive!

I was 'straw boss' for the project, offering my organizing skills, suggestions on what to trash or move.  Somehow, none of it was needed.  Glen was in control of the entire project.

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