Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28, 2016 Monday Boat Ride (Remember: click on pics to enlarge)

Several of the neighbors in the 'hood own motorcycles.  Today seven motorcycles and two vehicles caravaned to Mission Texas.  There were 13 of us who drove to the "Riverside Club" at Mission. Of course we were in our pick up; Jim/Dee were in their red Cadillac convertible.

A 75-minute boat (open sided, pontoon style) tour is offered by the Riverside Club.  Eleven of us went on the boat. We went down the Rio Grande River to the Mexican city of Reynosa, turned around and returned.

Reynosa has a population of 750,000 approx.

Here are a few pictures taken today.

 Mexican side of river: privately owned recreation area-picnicking, grilling, pool

 Mexican side: business owned for rentals, parties, celebrations. We had a pre-conceived picture of what the Mexican side would look like---poor, depressed.  Obviously not all of Mexico is poor or depressed.

 Mexican side: pontoon similar to what we were riding on, owned by a company

Mexican side: a large recreation area

 US Side: two Texas Highway Patrol boats, armed with M-60 machine guns.  Our captain commented the guns were used to return gunfire, not to initiate gun fights.

 Reynosa, Mexico, city park

Reynosa city park

 Anzaldua International Dam, across Rio Grande River.  A diversion dam used for agriculture and flood control.

 US Flag on left/north side of dam; Mexico flag on right/south side

 Anzalduas International Dam, Reynosa (Mexico)

 The long wall reaching left to right, is a "border wall"; 1.5 miles long.  It took ten years to build.

 Texas Highway Patrol boat in action: 5 m-60 machine guns, 3-300HP (each) Yamaha motors

Smaller Texas Highway Patrol boat: two 300 HP motors

Don't get worried about us!! We do read or hear once in a while about a gun battle with the cartel, but the battles are always across the river on the Mexico side.  We read about huge quantities of drugs--marijuana or cocaine-- being found/seized on the highway or at a bridge crossing, but nothing in Zapata.  We are SAFE!

After the boat tour we enjoyed lunch at a local Mexican (what else?) restaurant!    From there the group separated and went in various directions.

We followed Rick on his motorcycle back to Zapata.  Some went shopping, some went to Nuevo Progreso (Mexico) for shopping.

I am trying to remember some facts the boat captain shared.  From Mission where we departed it is appx 50 miles to the Gulf of Mexico; the Rio Grande River is appx 1250 miles long.

It was a fun day.  Weather was great--high of 79 degrees, partly sunny.

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