Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12, 2016 Thursday: Rainy Travel

Tuesday we picked up Ashlynn and Zade from school.

Tuesdays mean "gymnastics" so I took Ashlynn to that.  It is fun to watch her stretch her body and conquer skills such as balance,  flexibility, stamina.  She will never be in the Olympics but she is learning skills that will help her all her life.

We got lots of extra kisses and hugs when we said good night.

Wednesday we said "good bye" to Cape Girardeau, heading to Poplar Bluff, which is about 1 hour 15 minutes to the south and west.

Poplar Bluff is where we retired from.  Our good friends, Pat and Gary, who also happen to be our dentist are still in PB.  We enjoyed our visit with them as well as a good dental report.

That evening we ate dinner with friends Donna and Tom.  Donna and Tom are friends from the early 1970's.  It was good catching up on family and friends with them.

This morning we left Poplar Bluff heading across Arkansas to just south of Fort Smith.

It was a rainy morning.  Corning Arkansas had street flooding.  Fields were filled to the brim.  In some areas the filled ditches were getting close to the edge of the road.  Just north of Little Rock we drove out of the rain, and into blue sky!

We are parked in our spot at the fairgrounds.  It offers all we need; we are the only rig here;  We appreciate the opportunity to be here.  The closest RV park is 15-17 miles from here.

Brady is finished with high school classes as well as college classes.  He is continuing to work 30 hours per week at O'Reilleys Auto Parts.

Saturday Brady and Tanner, and Natalie (if she is finished playing in the soccer finals) will shoot in regional trap competition.

The next week will be busy.  Friday the 20th is high school graduation.

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