Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9, 2016 Rain, Baseball, and One Last Doctor

The end of the day....

it started raining just as Zade's first baseball game started!  We watched the game through the windshield of the truck with the wipers going.

Machine-Pitching is a big hurdle for the players this year.  Zade thinks he wants to be a catcher; his baseball hero is Yadi Molina (StL Cardinals).  But. he says "the ball from the machine hurts!  It comes at 70 mph, at least!" (I don't really know the speed.  It is fast!)   A catcher's mitt  is provided by the league, but it is a right handed mitt.  Zade is a lefty so used his fielder's mitt.

The two teams tonight was evenly matched.  There is no official score kept.

Did I mention it was raining!

3 for 3 tonight!

We had one last doctor's visit this after with the family doctor.  He was very pleased with all the lab work!  Just think what those labs might have been if we were actually excerising!!! LOL and giving up desserts!!!

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