Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 31, 2016 Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge

It has been a beautiful day for a scenic drive.  All eight of us drove to the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge, situated along the banks of the Kootenai River.

In the spring and fall the refuge is flooded for the waterfowl to feed, and nest.  Also seen in the spring and fall are moose, elk, deer (two kinds).

Fields of wheat.  Using a rail card for grain storage.

Display at the Visitors' Center: comparion of bird sizes

Metal art at the Visitors' Center

Mountain Stream

Two different tree trunks growing side by side

The uphill hike was worth the view!  100' waterfall

The upper section of the waterfall. 

Blowing in the wind!  Gayla and Glen

Giant dandelion???

Momma Mallard with her brood!

Where in the world is....Mildred, Jeff, Marcella, Evelyn???

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