Monday, August 1, 2016

August 1, 2016 WESTward Ho! across NE Washington (Wenatchee River County Park, Monitor WA)

Go west, young man, go West!  That is what we did today, traveling Highway 2 from Bonners Ferry Idaho to Monitor Washington.  

We are parked in a beautiful county park on the Wenatchee River.  

The collective miles or road construction today surpassed all of the other days of travel.  

We went through landscape that looked like a moon-scape (I really don't know what that it) or the remanants of volcanic action.  Pictures were blurry!

We saw millions of acres of wheat.

We saw one hugh field of sunflowers.  Picture was blurry.

We traveled downhill for six miles at a 6% grade.  That tested the brakes on the vehicles/RVs.

We are just here for one night; it is westward to Puyullap, a suburb of Seattle tomorrow.

Using every inch of the fields, even to the edge of the highway.

More Wheat planted amongst the hills.

Rocks from small to Large in the fields.

Let's start downhill for six miles.

More downhill; that Gary/Evelyn's fifth wheel in the right center.

Still going downhill!

Look at this lake at the bottom of the hill.  

As we came to the end of the hill orchards started appearing on either side of the highway.  This area of orchards begin in Canada and go south to the Washington/Oregon border.  We hope to be able to stop at a fruit stand tomorrow.

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