Thursday, August 18, 2016

Aug 18, 2016 Heading South (County Line Park, Skamokawa, WA)

"Down on the Banks"---of the Columbia River.  We look across the river into Oregon.  There are huge ocean going vessels traveling the river.

We can see the faint silohoutte of Mt. St. Helen to the east.  We will be getting a close look tomorrow as we travel to Mt. St. Helen Visitors Center.

We traveled 101 south from Forks today somewhat along the coast.  There was a side trip to the port city of Westport.

This is the lighthouse on Destruction Island, just south of Forks, WA

The marina at Westport WA

Sea Lions lounging on a bouy in the Westport bay.

Westport, WA
The tallest lighthouse in Washington, at Westport WA
It is a beautiful view out the front window of the motorhome.  The RV park is squeezed onto a small strip of land between the highway and the river.

(County Line Park, Skamokawa WA)

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