Friday, August 5, 2016

August 4-5, 2016 Staying at Home

The other six: Gary, Evelyn, Marcella, Jeff, Millie and Doug travelled to Seattle.  I knew there was going to be lots of walking so I declined.  Glen also opted to stay here.

It turned out to be a very wise decision.  According to their FitBit bracelets they walked over 7 miles.  Wise, very wise, on our parts.

Seattle is about an hour from here, driving through LOTS of traffic.  The six chose to call Uber--for the first time--for the ride up there.  Returning would be by the same method they assumed.

The six rode for $80 total which was okay.  They didn't have to drive or find a place to park.  They toured the Pike Place Market, took an Underground tour of Seattle, rode a ferry, ate.  

They called Uber for the return trip to Puyallup.  What!!! the fee will be $249.  No way they were going to pay that.  There was a home Mariners game so the Uber drivers were busy.  They rode the local train to Sea-Tac Airport--$4 each.  Then found a bus to ride to Puyallup. Thankfully they didn't panic, did some research, and made it back.  We were ready to go pick them up someplace.

We enjoyed the day.  We shopped at Walmart.  Glen did some outside work.  I baked a peach cobbler.

Today has been another day of rest.  Some have gone to the "coin laundry"; we four ladies found a nail salon and enjoyed mani-pedicures.  

Here is what is visible in the clear blue sky today.  Yesterday there was too much cloud cover to see "the mountain" as it is called locally.

MT. RANIER, in all its glory, from Puyallup, WA.  The elevation is 14,410'. 
 Sometime in the next few days we are making a day trip to Mt. Ranier.  We are about 50 miles from the mountain.

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