Tuesday, August 9, 2016

August 8/9, 2016 One More Day in Mt. Rainier

The weather forecast for yesterday (Monday) indicated an 80 percent chance of rain so we chose to stay at the RV park, and finish at Mt. Rainier today (Tuesday)

Monday started early with a call from Catherine, Glen/Evelyn/Marcella/Mildred's first cousin who lives in central Missouri.  Catherine shared that her grandson's wife, Lacy, was on a road trip with her mother here in Washington.  Sunday afternoon Lacy went for a hike in Mt. Rainier NP, and did not return at the expected time.  Her mother had stayed at the Bed/Breakfast.

Lacy was missing all of yesterday and was finally found at 10:30 last night deep in a ravine.  There were park rangers, rescue personnel, and dog teams searching for her.  After her rescue she shared that she stepped off the trail to take a picture, her feet slipped, and down she went.  She was dressed warmly, but spent the night in a hollow log to keep dry.  She had some scrapes and scratches and some hypothermia, but was released from the hospital about noon today.

Lacy's husband, Nathaniel, and Nathaniel's mother, Karla, flew out this morning for a reunion at the hospital.  Lacy and Nathaniel are driving back in the morning; Karla and Lacy's mother are flying back to Missouri tomorrow also.

It was quite a harrowing experience with, thankfully, a good ending.

Today the family group went to Crystal Mountain/Ski Lodge Resort, just outside the Mt. Rainier National Park.  We were disappointed to see that the clouds were low and obscurred Mt. Rainier.  We rode the gondola to the top of the mountain where we enjoyed a bowl of clam chowder for lunch.

We waited for the clouds blow away, but it never happened.  We had a few peeks of the top of the mountain.  

It was on to Sunrise Visitor's Center in Mt. Rainier NP.  As always it was a beautiful drive.  The cloud cover was still low and thick.  We were able to see some glaciers on the surrounding peaks.

The beauty of a waterfall just does not show in a picture!

Crystal Mountain Ski Resort

Marcella and Jeff riding the gondola to the Summit with us.

Going UP

Glen and Jeff at the Summit Restaurant.  45 degrees.

Mt. Rainier peeking through

Mt. Rainier framed by the red geraniums at the Summit.

Above the clouds

Eat outdoors at the Summit--not today.

"I am ready for the sun to shine!"

Going down!

On the way to Sunrise Visitors Center--Mt. Rainier National Park

Glaciers visible--right center

Glaciers on nearby peaks

Doug, Marcella, Jeff, Mildred ready for a 5.7 mile hike at Sunrise Visitor's Center

It has been a great week here in Puyallup.  It has been close enough to make day trips; we have seen what we wanted--Mt. Rainier and Seattle.

We will be leaving in the morning!  It's not a long trip.  

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