Thursday, September 8, 2016

9/8/16 A First For Us (still @ Marin's RV Park, Greenbrae, CA)

Jeff and Marcella, Doug and Mildred, and Evelyn still had the energy to go back to San Francisco this afternoon.

Glen drove them to the ferry terminal and came back.  Obviously Gary also stayed on this side of the bay.  Glen and I needed a day of rest.

Our pick-up truck needed some attention; not emergency, just routine.  It was time for an oil change.  Glen found an oil change business just a few miles from here.

We enjoyed lunch at "el hurache de loco", just a few blocks from the RV park.  The meal was delicious.

Just a few blocks in the other direction is a "Trader Joe's" grocery store.  This was the first time we had shopped there.  We didn't know/realize that most everything is organic, free range, strange, freshly ground, etc!  The choice of eggs were organic, free range, brown, fertile, and maybe more choice.

We couldn't even find Miracle Whip or soft butter on the shelves.  So much for that.  Off to Safeway!  

The sightseers called when they left San Francisco and Glen picked them up about eight p.m. at the ferry terminal!  They enjoyed their time there.  They enjoyed riding the cable cars again.

The weather made a vast change today.  Yesterday's high was 96.  Today's high was 72.  I heard a shop keeper say yesterday that summer had finally arrived.  It didn't stay long!!

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