Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sept 13, 2016 Tuesday---Rocks, Rocks, Rocks: Yosemite National Park

It took nearly all day to explore and see the sights in Yosemite National Park.

There was road construction and a controlled burn that closed some roads that we might have traveled if they had been open.

The highlights of Yosemite are rocks--not just any rocks-- mighty, massive, huge, mountains, domes of rocks.  Most of these were granite.  Think Mt. Rushmore only 100s of time bigger.

Keep in mind that pictures cannot show the majesty, or the massiveness, or the height of these sights.  

As a result of the controlled burn there was smoke in the air, preventing sharp clear views of the domes.

 Reason for the road detour as we entered Yosemite NP.
 Rock formation.
 Welcome to Yosemite NP!  This was just beyond the entrance.
 El Capitan.

Bridal Veil Falls--a trickle of water falling hundreds of feet.

Glen, in front of what we think is a sequoia. It was 56-61 degrees.

 There is a five-year drought going on.  It is evident in the amount of water in the rivers and creeks, and the skimpiness of the falls.

 Smoke from the controlled burn.

 Yosemite Valley.

 We saw two phone booths with phones.

 Half Dome.
 Ground Squirrel.
 Yosemite Valley

 Glen showing the way to Half Dome.

 Gayla and Glen.
A majestic sight: Half Dome, the blue sky, and the clouds.

Jeff and Marcella, Gary and Evelyn will leave in the morning, at different times, heading to Missouri.

Gary will be ready to leave at 6 a.m.; Marcella and Jeff around 9 a.m.  We will probably depart about 9:30, going to Sequoia National Park.

The Family Caravan 2016 has ended.  It has been a great adventure.

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