Monday, September 12, 2016

Sept 12, 2016 Monday Jelly Belly Factory Tour (Mariposa County Fairgrounds, Mariposa, CA)

 We did it! We left on the pre-set time of 9:30 this morning.

About an hour down the road Jeff had scouted out the Jelly Bell factory in Fairfield, California.

It was a self-guided tour, but very interested.  We were treated to samples of the product; in turn, you knew what to buy in the gift shop!  BTW:  the company also makes chocolate products, candy corn, gummy worms/bears, marshmellow candies, etc.

Hats were required for the tour!

Jelly Belly Art

Many-colored Jelly Belly's sitting to dry!

Do you know?  Answer at the bottom!

Each color representatives a different flavor

50 main flavors; 50 specialty flavors

Belly Flops: mis-shapen or irregularly shaped

An actual flavor:  a bean bamboozle

Another actual flavor!  Who would want to taste these?

More Jelly Belly art.

More actual Bean Boozled flavors! Ugh!

Factory Lobby ceiling!

Gayla and Glen with our bounty!

ANSWER:  Pres. Ronald Reagan's Favorite

We drove by thousands of wind turbines.  Marcella read that EACH turbine cost 2.3 to 3.2 million dollars to install.

I know it is blurry:  A Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey Circus Train passed by; about 40 cars.
Care to guess the top three best-selling flavors of Jelly Belly's are?  Very Cherry, Liquorice, and buttered popcorn.  

We are parked at the Mariposa County Fairgrounds in Mariposa CA.  The RV park is fenced, level, electrical and water hook ups.  It is about an hour to the entrance of Yosemite National Park.  

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