Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1, 2016 Non Hikers at Home

Five of the family group went on a 8-mile hike through old-growth (nver been cut) redwood forests this morning.  Reports were they saw some massive trees.  They came back hot and sweaty!

Gary received permission from the RV park office to wash his vehicles, which inspired Glen to wash our truck.  He started on the motorhome but took a break coming to the laundry room to get me and the four loads of laundry.

After lunch, Glen and I finished the motorhome.  Wow, both vehicles look better!  

I prepared "shrimp etoufee'" served over rice for the family group tonight.  Evelyn served cornbread; and Millie had cheesecake for dessert.  

There were a couple of games of 'Sequence"  after supper/dessert.  "Sequence" is a great game.

No pictures today.  You don't really need to see the folded laundry, or the dirty pots and pans used for etoufee'!  Except I now have it all washed!  

Evelyn is checking to see if there is another lighthouse to explore tomorrow--as a day trip.  

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