Friday, September 2, 2016

9-2-16 Friday More Trees, of Course; and ELK!

Since we arrived in the Northwest we have see signs that proclaimed: "Elk Crossing".  Evidently the elk don't read because we haven't seen any---until today!  

We were checking out "Elk Meadow" (appropriately named!) and there they were....a herd of elk.

Gary estimated 40-50 total elk in the herd.

Young/female elk.

The bull elk sporting the beautiful rack of antlers.

Even more wildlife:  
A covey of California quail.

Of course...Redwoods.
We drove along a road that went through the Lady Bird Johnson Grove.  LB Johnson was present for the naming and dedication of the grove of trees.

Compare the size of the bathroom to the height of the redwood tree: appx 250'
See the slash that indicates a long time ago someone attempted to cut this redwood down.

This energetic group setting out for a 1.5 mile hike through the redwoods.  From the left: Marcella, Jeff, Doug, Mildred, and Evelyn.

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