Monday, September 5, 2016

September 4/5-2016 Jello Plans (Golden Rule RV Park, Willits CA Sunday) (Marin RV Park, Greenbrae, CA 9-5/12-2016)

Who says we can't change our mind in a hurry?  After discussion we decided we (collectively speaking) needed another day to travel to the San Francisco area.  

Jeff found an RV park (Golden Rule RV Park, Willits CA) that had four sites for Sunday night.  

We left about 10:30 and headed south.  Again we made a 3-hour trip into about six hours!  The delay was worth it as we traveled "old Highway 101", THE AVENUE OF THE GIANTS", 30 miles through some of the largest redwood trees we had seen.  There are big, huge, and then giant redwood trees.  "Old" Highway 101 is narrow and curvy.  The redwoods at the edge of the highway all have reflectors on them to remind the drivers to drive in the middle of the road!

This handglider was in the air as we prepared to leave Klamath RV Park, Klamath California.

The Golden Rule RV Park. Willits CA, is located on the Ridgewood Ranch.  Ridgewood Ranch was the home of "Sea Biscuit" in his later years. 

"Sea Biscuit", you say.  Who is that?  
A champion thoroughbred racehourse in the USA.  There is a wonderful film detailing the horse's life.  It is worth renting and watching.  There is also a wonderful book by Lauren Hillenbrand entitled "Sea Biscuit: An American Legend" that I read before I saw the movie.

atop Sea Biscuit's barn!

Appropriate at the corner where the barn is located.

The drive yesterday and today were harsh reminders of the drought prevalent in California.  We saw "water hauler" businesses; the hills are dry and brown and ugly.  

The drive also was in "wine country" with many, many vineyards on both sides of the highway.

We are now at Marin RV Park, in Greenbrae, just ten minutes from the Golden Gate Bridge, just a ten-minute walk from the ferry that goes to the main ferry terminal in San Francisco.

We have fast internet and cell service.  Hurray!  We are spoiled and miss the creature comforts when they are not available.!

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