Friday, October 14, 2016

October 14, 2016 New Neighbors

New neighbors arrived yesterday next to us here at the RV park.

Glen's oldest sister, Myrna and her friend Dick, drove in from the St. Louis area.  They live six months in California and are on the road the other six months.  

Myrna and Dick are on the route that takes them south and west to California.  

Myrna and Dick, Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade, and us met at the local "Saffron" restaurant, Thai food at its finest, for dinner.  
Tomorrow we will all watch Zade at the flag football game.  

In the morning we will pick up the new computer at the Best Buy.  Darin is assisting in the set up!  Thank you, Darin.

Enjoy the week end.  It has been a drizzly day here; but near 80 and clear tomorrow.  

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