Saturday, October 15, 2016

October 15, 2016 Learning Curve

It has been a big day!  We picked up the new computer at Best Buy this morning.

It was not a smooth sale as there was difficulty using the Best Buy credit card.  Eventually the clerk smoothed out the issues and the deal was done.

We brought it home.  Darin arrived with all his IT skills.  He downloaded and filled out email addresses and passwords and installed.  He had the computer ready to use in an hour or so.

He says: "Mom, if you can use your I-phone, you can use this."

I have the big I-Mac computer.  I like, like, like the screen size.  I think it is going to be user-friendly, as soon as I learn the locations of some buttons/icons.

Zade had a flag football game at 5 p.m.  I took a few pictures to see if I can install them here.

Here goes!


Here's Zade's cheering section: Dick, Myrna, Glen, Ashlynn, and Sarah!

We are enjoying visiting with Myrna and Dick.  It has been more than a year since we have seen them.

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