Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 18, 2016 October at its Best

Wow, this week has been beautiful!  

Sunny, highs in the mid-80's, breezy.  Leaves are finally changing colors and falling.  Ashlynn commented it looked like "it is raining leaves"!

Friends, Tom and Donna, and, Jim and Sandy, recommended we see the movie "Sully" with Tom Hanks.  We went to the theater this afternoon to see this movie.  It is an awesome tribute to a real hero, Captain Sullenberg that guided his airplane to the middle of the Hudson River after a flock of birds flew into two engines, and all was saved,  no fatalities.

It was well done; Tom Hanks was great as Captain Sully.

P.S.  There were less than a dozen in the theater!

We escorted Ashlynn to gymnastics tonight.  She started a new level.  It is hard work for 75 minutes. 

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