Thursday, November 24, 2016


There may have been more dishes (of food) than people today for lunch at Trisha and Jeff's.  

Trisha and Tanner (we are now calling him Tanner Flay) did a great job of doing most of the preparation yesterday.  

Of course there was snacking all afternoon, as well as most people taking a nap!  The evening was completed with a few games of "Skip Bo" (also called "Spite and Malice")

Trisha and Jeff

Sitting: Natalie B., Gayla and Glen;  Standing: Landon B., Jeff, Trisha, Tanner W., Brady W.
*B--Burklow (Jeff's children)  **W--Wilkinson (Trisha's boys)
Lots of food!

Trisha and Jeff braved the crowds and went to the local Walmart at six.  They said the parking lot was overflowing!  No Thursday/Friday shopping for us!

Brady is home from college.  No freshman 20/pounds for him.  In fact he may have lost ten pounds.  I asked him what was the "most surprising" thing about college for him.  His reply.."how easy!"  Good for him.  

Landon is home for several days from the Air Force.  He will leave from here to go to California --next AF assignment.  He graduated "first in class/with honors" from the last training session.

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