Friday, November 25, 2016

11-25-16 High School Football, Greenwood, AR

40 degrees, 
wearing layers,
see your breath, 
stomp your feet, 
yell 'Defense', 
High Five with complete strangers!  

It's a WIN.  We are going to State!

A win, another game.  Next Saturday night.
One more win.  We will be the state champions.

It was a close one tonight.
The other team beat us last year for the state championship.

#44--Drew D., plays all defense, and some offense,
boyfriend of Natalie, our step-granddaughter.
Natalie--head trainer for the team.  
She knows tape, and how to wrap it!

It's high school football.  

The back up quarterback goes out of the game with a concussion.
#4, regular quarterback, has a bad shoulder.  He's slow to get up.  He runs the ball on a lot of plays.

Are you warm?  Thank goodness, there's no wind.  

It's a win tonight.
Wow, what a game.  Intense.

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