Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1, 2016 INTENSE!

Glen and I went to the theater tonight.  We viewed "Deepwater Horizon".

This movie was based on the real events.  The 'Deepwater Horizon' was an oil well owned by BP 43-48 nautical miles from New Orleans.  In 2010 it exploded.  It burned for 87 days after the explosion, and 210 million gallons of oil spread into and on and over the Gulf of Mexico.

All but eleven of the crew escaped the fiery explosions and havoc caused by the fire.  

The cause of the fire/explosions was GREED on the part of BP.  The crew called it the "well from hell"; the schedule was behind 48 days.  BP personnel would not admit there were problems with the well, and pushed the crew to keep on drilling.

To say the least, it was intense.  But, a good movie.

That's two movies for us this year.  That is about our average.  Both movies were great.  We would recommend both--"Deepwater Horizon", and "Sully".

We are using the internet service provided by the park.  The strength is sometimes "iffy".  Last night there wasn't enough to load pictures.

Here is our trick 'n' treaters from last night.

Uncle Sy, and Willie (Darin)

Uncle Sy came to visit, complete with iced tea glass (Zade)

The cutest flapper was ready to perform! (Ashlynn)

Ashlynn and Zade
Ashlynn , Darin, Zade

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