Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14, 2016 MOONSHINE, FLAG FOOTBALL (Still at Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

The past week has been routine.

Gymnastics, flag football practice, two doctors' appointments.  Seems like there one more big thing on Tuesday.....oh, yes, Election.  

We don't miss the commercials.

By virtue of having only two losses in the regular flag football season, Zade and team played in the first round of play-offs tonight.  His team, the Patriots, #2, played the #1 team....and lost.

Tomorrow night Zade's team will play for third/fourth place.  

It was true football weather...we needed a blanket, gloves, stocking hat, socks, and layers of clothes.  

The moon was rising over the football field.  I don't have the correct lens/camera to take a good picture of the "closest" moon since 1948.

Tomorrow we will drive to Poplar Bluff for dental appointments.  Our friend/dentist and his wife/dental assistant, will be retiring in the spring.  I don't know if we will have one more appointment or not.

There is one more doctor's appointment for each of us on Thursday morning.  We will be packed and ready to hit the road as soon as the appointment is over.  We will go to Joplin to have the yearly service appointment for the motorhome at Speedco Thursday evening.  Speedco is open until ten p.m. so no problem with arriving late in the day.

Have a great week.  Are you making your grocery list and menu for Thanksgiving?  

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