Sunday, December 11, 2016

December 11, 2017 Sunday Night

There has been several days of cool/cold misty days this past week.  It has been too unpleasant to be outside, working on any projects.  All total there has been 1.5" of rain.  

Last Monday night there was a "cookie exchange" at church.  We each took two dozen cookies for exchanging and one dozen for sharing that night.  The evening is a great time to get to know the ladies of the church.

Thursday we went to Laredo, about an hour-trip, especially going to the north/east side.  We visited the mall, Lowe's, Home Depot, Ulta, and Walmart.  

Next Sunday, the 18th, will be the last Sunday for our pastor, Brother Lee and wife Belinda.  They are moving back to their hometown where Bro. Lee will pastor a church.  

It will be difficult to find another pastor to come to such a small church with a small budget,small attendance,and be bi-lingual.  If you are inclined to pray, please include First Baptist Church of Zapata in the search for a new pastor.

There is a Christmas/last day for Belinda and Lee lunch next Sunday after church.  The theme of the meal is tamales--homemade, of course.  I know there is going to be chili, and a pot of pinto beans; munedo soup (which is made with tripe (stomach lining).  Yes, you read that correctly.  I tasted it last year, and that will be my only taste.  It is UCK!  Maybe you have to be raised in south Texas to like it.

We are looking forward to being back outdoors this week, starting and finishing some projects.

It didn't take long for the birds to find the feeders.  There is an abundance of red-winged blackbirds, and great-tailed grackles, and the more welcome green jays, greater Kiskadees, cardinals.  

Have a great week.

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