Saturday, December 24, 2016

December 24, 2016 Christmas Eve (Zapata TX)

It's been a social week!  We enjoy celebrating anniversaries with friends, and visiting with cousins!

Wednesday we traveled to Harlingen TX, down in "the Valley", about two and half hours south of here (Zapata).  Harlingen is now the year-around home of my first cousin, Steve and his wife Linda.

They have moved into a new mobile home which is located in a wonderful mobile home park.  

 Linda, Steve, and Gayla

Linda and Steve's new home.  Steve and I are on the steps; Linda is on the right.

We had a great visit with them.  We literally "ate and ran" from lunch at Cracker Barrel.  We had stopped at the Don-Wes Flea Market on the way south to order some made-to-order sun screen.  The market closed at three.  We left Steve and Linda sitting at the table to make it back to the flea market before it closed.

Friday we shared a celebration of friends' Del and Jean's fifth wedding anniversary.  Del and Jean "courted" for 12 years before marrying.  Del will be 93 on his birthday in February.  Jean is a few years younger.   Del may be the youngest 90-something you will ever meet.  He and Jean are a joy to visit with.  We first met them at church.

Today we celebrated Christmas Eve as well as the 65th wedding anniversary of friends Freda and Dale.  Freda's nephew Jim and wife Dee hosts each Christmas Eve a dinner for about 35 friends.  

Dale and Freda's actual anniversary is December 25.  

The carry-in luncheon was tasty.  

By this time next week we will have family here!

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