Sunday, January 1, 2017

January 1, 2017 The Old and the New

Glen and I have spent the last few days discussing the beginning of the New Year--2017.  Back when we were ten years old did we really think we would still be around in the two thousands especially 2017.  

Here it is...the beginning of the New Year.  May your New Year be filled with blessings!!

The past week has been a repeat of the day before:  great weather, and enjoying being outdoors most of the day.

Christmas Eve we spent the afternoon/evening at and with friends/neighbors Jim and Dee.  They have a large enclosed steel building that they generously open to about 30 neighbors and friends on Christmas Eve.  They furnished ham and turkey; the attendees furnished all the side dishes.  Oh, my, what a spread.

Christmas Day we attended worship service.  Glen led the music.

Jim and Dee graciously invited about six couples back for "left overs" at lunch time. It was a great week end.

This past week Glen finished a couple of projects.  I requested and Glen installed more cabinets and a new kitchen sink in our "outdoor" kitchen.  The new counter top and cabinets and sink surely add to the functionality of the kitchen.

Our resident chefs--Gary and Jeff-- have no excuses now to not bake and cook to their heart's content!!😊🍞🍰🍲🐟

If you remember a couple of Wednesdays ago we went to the Valley and stopped at the flea market.  Our purchase there was fitted wind screen for the north end of our barn.  Glen now has it installed.  It definitely keeps out the unwanted wind; there is also a zippered door that can be opened if the breeze is desired.  I will get a photo or two tomorrow to you can see what I am talking about.

This week looks like it is going to be like the past two weeks--quiet!  There are a couple of small projects that Glen will work on, but nothing major.  No complaints about the weather.  

Tonight Glen and I went to Jim and Dee's.  Dee and I watched a movie..the "new" "Bridget Jones'Baby".  Glen and Jim watched football.

I haven't even mentioned New Years' Eve.  We went out to dinner at a local restaurant with Jim and Dee.  After the meal Jim and Dee went to a dance.  We came home.  We did manage to be up at midnight.  Zade had told me that if "you were awake at midnight you had to smooch someone!"  I smooched Glen!  There were numerous fireworks exploding in the skies to celebrate the midnight hour and the incoming New Year.

A bit of unexpected and sad news.  Gary and Evelyn are not coming to Texas at this time. Gary's son Darren is experiencing some health issues.  Obviously Gary and Evelyn are staying there until there are more tests, decisions made, and they aren't needed.  This may be a few weeks or longer.

We ask for healing prayers and guidance in these health matters if you feel lead to do so.

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